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Rose Memories 1

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Rose Memories 1 Empty Rose Memories 1

Post by Yumi Fri Jun 27, 2008 9:49 pm

{Okay people! This is one big spoiler for the Upendi Story so if you don't want to know, just don't read it, okay? Good! Hope you enjoy. It's about Hikki's past!}

The wind tugged at the girl’s shoulder-length curling hair. Her blood red eyes were staring into the night. She wore a white dress, but it was covered by a sort of black coat. They were sown together. The white dress had long sleeves that widened due to the fact that they had about three layers. A red rose was at the top of her white dress. The girl wore a black choker with a black ribbon tied around it. She wore black boots with white rims. A small red rose was attached to the top of the boots’ foot. Two red roses were fastened in the girl’s hair with black ribbons.
The girl sighed.
“Hikki!” another girl walked up to her carefully. They were on the roof of a house.
This girl had long white hair and light blue eyes. She wore a blood red dress that just reached her knees and it had a big white ribbon tied on the front. It had a small pink rose. She wore very long white, slightly see-through, socks. The girl had blood red ribbons tied around her socks. She wore black open shoes with small pink roses on top at the front. This girl also had roses in her hair but these were fastened with blood red ribbons.
“Shiroi,” the girl, Hikki, said. “What is it?”
“Mom and dad are asking whether you’re coming down,” Shiroi said. “It’s dinner time…”
“Okay,” Hikki smiled slightly. She only did that in the presence of her family. She got up and started following Shiroi.
“You both look so cute!” their mother smiled when they entered. Their mother was a young woman with long brown hair. She had green sparkling eyes. “I sure love roses.” Roses were their mother’s favourite flowers.
Their father was already sitting at the table. He had white, greyish hair but he was still young. He had yellow eyes. He liked flowers too, even though he would probably never really admit it.
They all joined him at the table. Three plates were standing on the table and the plates were joined by pans filled with food. Hikki sat where there was no plate.
The others ate until they were all full and had enough and Hikki started clearing the table.
“Thank you, Hikki,” her mother smiled at her.
“You’re welcome,” Hikki smiled again.
“I don’t know what we’d do without you, Hikki,” her father said when she had cleaned the table.
“Do all the chores yourself?” Hikki ventured.
Her father laughed and nodded. “You’re completely right. I don’t think it would be this clean here,” her father smiled. “I mean, I never feel like cleaning after a long day of work.”
“But it’s not like you can quit your job just like that,” Shiroi said thoughtfully. “You have to make sure they don’t find Hikki.”
“They will never find out,” her mother reassured her. “We made every main computer and Hikki is connected to every single one of them. Should the need arise, she could just blow them all up.”
“And the need arises when..?” Shiroi asked hesitantly. She wanted to know, but she also didn’t want to know.
“When we quit, or when…” her mother stopped and sighed. “Never mind. Hikki knows when. As long as no one installs any other programs, it’ll be alright.”

Later that evening, Shiroi joined Hikki on the roof.
“What did mom mean?” she asked Hikki.
Hikki looked away. “She means when they die,” Hikki said. “But I don’t get it, why would they hide my information in the main computer? Doesn’t that only put them in danger?”
“What about you?” Shiroi exclaimed. “It would bring you in even more danger!”
“It’ll be alright,” Hikki smiled at Shiroi. “I won’t go down that easily. After all, I have the best battle system there is. Not to mention the fact that I know magic as well.”
“Yes, that’s true,” Shiroi said.
Hikki suddenly looked towards the city.
“You should go,” Shiroi said. “A droid needs you, right?”
Hikki nodded and sped off into the night.

Hikki elbowed the soldier and took the droid’s hand. She sped off, the droid following her, a little confused. All the droid knew was that that soldier had threatened her and wanted to take her apart. She had cried out for help inside her head and then this girl came. Was she there to save her, or hurt her?
“Don’t worry,” Hikki smiled, feeling the droid’s confusion. “I’m here to help. I’m like you, after all.”
The droid simply nodded and followed the mysterious girl.
They stopped running when they were well away from the soldier.
“Now everything should be okay,” Hikki smiled at the droid.
The droid nodded.
A loud explosion could be heard. Hikki and the droid turned towards the sound and saw smoke rising from somewhere quite far away.
Hikki’s eyes widened. “No…” she whispered. She jumped on a rooftop and sped off, the roof crumbled a little because of the impact. Hikki had never run that fast.
She stopped right in front of her burning house. “No…” Hikki whispered again. “NO!” she now yelled. Tears welled up in her eyes. A figure appeared behind her. Within a flash he was pinned against the nearest tree, hand around his throat. His blonde hair fell in his green eyes.
“Relax, Hikki,” the guy smirked. “Soon you will forget.” He suddenly plugged a chip at the back of her neck and Hikki got shocked. She fell to the ground, motionless, and the guy kneeled down next to her. He quickly loaded a program while Hikki was down, erasing some of her memories and emotions and replacing them by other things.
When Hikki opened her eyes, she saw the burning house. The tears now started flowing down her cheeks.
“Hikki,” the guy said and Hikki quickly got into a battle position. She relaxed when she saw it was the guy. “Let us go somewhere else. This is depressing.”
“Okay, Remington,” Hikki said in an emotionless tone.
She followed Remington and walked away from her burning house…

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 33
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Rose Memories 1 Empty Re: Rose Memories 1

Post by hino Thu Jul 03, 2008 1:23 pm


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Location : where my heart is
Registration date : 2008-05-14

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Rose Memories 1 Empty Re: Rose Memories 1

Post by Yumi Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:13 pm

Domo arigatou, Hino-chan! chu kaos-pinkusagi17

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 33
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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