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song guessing

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song guessing Empty song guessing

Post by hino Wed Aug 27, 2008 3:17 pm

I thought let's start a new topic^^ One operson quotes 1 to 4 lines of a song and the next person has to guess it. Simple right? You can't say the title of teh song in the 1/4 lines.

this is the first song^^

You're a real mean guy
I'd like to clip your wings
So you can't fly
I am in love and it's a crying shame

Number of posts : 668
Location : where my heart is
Registration date : 2008-05-14

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song guessing Empty Re: song guessing

Post by Yumi Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:22 pm

Stupid Cupid - Mandy Moore

My song!

Nankadaru- nankaderu-
Aishiteru- are- ikko ga chigatterunru-
Nayaminbou- koutetsubou-
Oishinbo- i-kagen ni shinasai

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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