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The Yourney

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The Yourney Empty The Yourney

Post by Chikako Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:01 am

as Yenna walked into the city she looked around and wonderd why not every city chould be like this. Lot's of shop's cafe's, restaurant's, a big marktplace and a huge playground. She would help at a school for children who chould use magic. she always wanted to do that. She had a lot of job's untill now. Gardner, shopkeeper, farmer a lot of things. Well it was a long trip to get here and she felt tired (quite unusual for her) and hungry (not so unusual). so befor she got to her new job she went to one of the cafe's it had a happy yellow color. She orderd a salad and waited for it to be delivered. When a quite angery looking person walked into the cafe.

Number of posts : 843
Age : 33
Location : Well what should i say i chould say pluto but that would be a lie
Registration date : 2008-01-05


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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Yumi Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:12 pm

The angry person started yelling at random people. Haley sighed and walked to the table where a girl had just ordered a salad and she put it on the table while saying: "Enjoy your meal. Now if you would excuse me, I am going to stop this madness." She smiled sweetly and walked up to the person. After a while she had calmed him down by talking and, after that, continued to work.

Shees, she though annoyed. Can't they act a little more normal?

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 33
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Guest Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:14 pm

The person, Raschu was his name, wel he just had a bad day and wel, allot of frustration to deal with. He doesn't get cracked that easily, normaly he is a quiet person.
But this day was just a day when everything got wrong, firstly they bullied him at school again and he had to walk home because his tires were pinched with a sharp object, then it started raining too so he went to the mall and what do you know, his favourite game store was gone and a yellow café had taken in the place...
But now Raschu had calmed down he took a seat and oreded a hot chocomel to dry up a bit.


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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Yumi Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:24 pm

Haley picked up the freshly-made hot chocolate milk and brought it to the previously angry customer.

"Here you go," she smiled at him. "Try not to yell too much. It might affect your throat. Can I get you anything else?"

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 33
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Guest Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:28 pm

Raschu looked her in the eyes and told her 'Noone can help me!' then he took a bit of his hot choc. The waitres walked away and Raschu continued his hot choc.
The weather had turned into a thunderstorm and a lightning bolt struck the sky, it also struck the power suplie of the mall so all the lights went out, only a vew candles at the café gave a little light.


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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Yumi Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:58 pm

Haley turned towards another waitress and told her to get more candles.

"Haley," one of the other waitress said, "clients are getting nervous. Is there nothing you can do?"

Haley shook her head, making her long silver earrings tingle slightly. She turned around and looked at the customers. They really were getting nervous. Haley sighed and started looking for a lighter because the waitress with the candles had returned.

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 33
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Guest Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:04 pm

but there in the darknes there was a tiny light waving at the waitres, it came from the table of the strange black haired boy with the high temper...

He seemed to be quite comfortble if you compared it with other guests...


off topic, I like doing this stuff ^^


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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Chikako Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:27 pm

yenna enjoyed the storm she liked stormy weather. She saw how everyone paniced and sighed. Annoying she thought. well might as well let the sun hine again. She walked outside raised her hands to the air and the storm started to clear from the point where she pointed. She sighed again. So far the storm. Let's go eat salad again^^

Number of posts : 843
Age : 33
Location : Well what should i say i chould say pluto but that would be a lie
Registration date : 2008-01-05


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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Guest Thu Jan 17, 2008 9:31 pm

Raschu looked up, 'what the?' He put away his lighter away since it wasn't needed anymore...
His chocomel got cold in the time between the storm and the sudden clearing of it. Raschu was about to get of his seat but then...



I'm kinda new with this kind of things, so just tell me if I post something wrong or w/e ;)


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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Chikako Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:41 am

He noticed a girl staring it him

Yenna looked at the guy who let the happy light shine maybe he went to the school wuw she found someone who went to the school for magical gifted children.

In al her excitement she totaly forgot how the boy stormed in angry and hopped towards him. "Hi i'm Yenna what are you?" Stupid questionn she realised the moment afters he asked. maybe he didn't go to that school mayb e he just had a candle or something...... shit?

"uhm let me rephrase that question. Who are you?"

Number of posts : 843
Age : 33
Location : Well what should i say i chould say pluto but that would be a lie
Registration date : 2008-01-05


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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Guest Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:03 pm

Raschu replied, I'm rather someone who you don't want to know... Most people, wel I scare them off easily.
But if you really wana know me, my name is Raschu and I have studied the art of dark magic, I call it deamon magic since I know how call them...
But you probally will think I'm a madman like somany people do...

Yeh be sillent, I don't care, they do it all. Perhaps it is the best that you just walk away now...


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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Chikako Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:27 pm

a grin appeared on Yenna's face
"scare me go ahead and try" this was a game she used to play with her sister. The one who was scared first had to do the disces or had to buy the other one a icecream it was fun^^.
" She sat down next to the boy called raschu and waited.

Number of posts : 843
Age : 33
Location : Well what should i say i chould say pluto but that would be a lie
Registration date : 2008-01-05


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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Guest Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:36 pm

Raschu's face expresionless as always made a small grin, atleast that looked like it...
Ok then, I'm going to try to command a small imp, they are fire deamons wich can be easily summoned.

Raschu's eyes changed colour from ocean blue to poiseness green. As quiet as he could he wispered an anchient old spel...
He fold his hand so that only he and the girl could see what would happen. Secconds later a small creature with horns and a tail of fire appeared on the table...

Creature: What do you want! I was trying to sleep!

Raschu, nothing, that was all I needed...

Creature: What!? Calling me for nothing? You play with fire, human!

Then it disapeared again...

Raschu, 'Scared now?'


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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Yumi Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:54 pm

((maybe you could use quotation marks when someone talks and put 'he said' behind it or something. At least make it obvious someone is talking else other newbies might get confused ^ ^))

Well, so much for the candles, Haley thought as the people started to calm down again. Since there was nothing much to do she went to the back and got her schoolbooks. Then she sat down at a table in the café and started working on her homework (she was usually busy working so there wasn't much time to do her homework).

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 33
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Chikako Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:01 pm

"AWWWWWWWWW it's so cute. Is it a he or a she. What's it called. When did you meet it. Does it have any special powers? Can you summon more than one? are they all like this or do you have really sweet and caring ones? Where do they live? Is it very strong? Can it blow up buildings i like it when buildings are blown up all the pretty lights and stuff^^"

Number of posts : 843
Age : 33
Location : Well what should i say i chould say pluto but that would be a lie
Registration date : 2008-01-05


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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Yumi Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:06 pm

When Haley heard the word "summon" she looked up from her spells book and looked the way she heard it coming from. She shook her head slightly, making her earrings tinkle once again, and continued reading.

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 33
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Guest Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:14 pm

Raschu was kinda stunned and overwelmed.

'You are not scared...' he said, 'Most people are scared of anything considered to be 'unatural'...'

Raschu starts explaining...
Wel, Imps are not the only deamons that can be summoned, you have a allot of different onces, my favourite one is Bakoya the Great Black wolf, wel he looks like a wolf...

and wel than you have friendly deamons and such who are there to heal people, but I don't like them, they are more a 'girls thing'.

'But we should be quiet because I don't want any one to hear about it, they might start panic or what soever' Raschu wisphered to Yenna.


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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Yumi Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:33 pm

Haley had finally finished her spells' homework and returned the books to her bags. Her shift was nearly over and her boss came out of her office to tell her she could take the rest of the day off.

Haley thanked her and got dressed into baggy jeans, a white spaghetti-strapped top and a black hooded vest over it. She walked out of the café and prepared to go home so she could make even more homework.

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 33
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Guest Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:09 pm

Raschu was still waiting for the girl to reply, but then somthing happened that he didn't expected to happen...


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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Chikako Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:11 pm

Yenna turned around when she heard noise coming from the door. She recalled a thing she once heard during history class (the time she didn't fell asleep)

Magic isn't allowed outside the magic schools in most country's.
Why not?
Most people see it as dangerous. they think magicians are servants of the devil.
But most of us get there powers from god don't they?
Most of us don't believe in god or the devil normal people do and so they are scared.
So i can't use magic outside magicschool?
No you can't

Yenna realized she probobly brought the boy in big problems. Oeps why must this always happen to me she thought.

"Raschu. Is magic allowed here? If not then i think we have a problem."

Number of posts : 843
Age : 33
Location : Well what should i say i chould say pluto but that would be a lie
Registration date : 2008-01-05


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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Guest Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:24 pm

(I think its better when erery char makes their own lines, and not speaks for another)

Raschu stood up, 'wel I think we better got to go then, wel me atleast...'

'As if this day couldn't have a worse end *sigh*'


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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Chikako Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:29 pm

(comments please other topic)

Yenna looked at the Rascha "Well see ya"

Number of posts : 843
Age : 33
Location : Well what should i say i chould say pluto but that would be a lie
Registration date : 2008-01-05


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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Guest Sat Jan 19, 2008 4:37 pm

Raschu. 'Good bye, see ya some other other time, I hope'

Then Raschu walked out to his home, expecting nonone wiating on him, as usual. When he got home he turned on his PC and started up his favourite game, 'Monsters and Mages'.

'These graphics are just so sucky, looks way better in real life. Wel, stil the gameplay is nice.'

Raschu gamed for some hours, but somehow he couldn't stop thinking about what had happened and about who he had met, someone who wasn't scared of him and his dark magic spels, or otherwise his pure black hair and his face of steel.

'Well that is it, I'm hungry.'

Raschu walked to the kitchen to make some fastfood, after the rainy day the sun began to shine, more bright then ever...

'Hmm, the climate is deffenaly changing I gues, or is it something else...?"

The micro wave made its 'I'm done' ping and Raschu started eating while looking out of the window...


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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Chikako Sat Jan 19, 2008 5:36 pm

great i don't hope all people here act so depressed. Yenna thought while eating an icecream^^ Well at least they make good icecreams^^ She wandered around for some time wel better go find a place to sleep.

She found a hotel and layed on bed wondering this town is boring and people seem to be afraid for rain. I hate them all i love rain Sad Tomorrow will be a new day and she will start working at a magic school.

Number of posts : 843
Age : 33
Location : Well what should i say i chould say pluto but that would be a lie
Registration date : 2008-01-05


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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Guest Sat Jan 19, 2008 6:05 pm

After Raschu ate his pizza, it got very late and Raschu got tired, so he went to bed.

while sleeping he suffered from a nightmare, as always the same one, he just couldn't save her, it all got so wrong, he thought he could tame the beast when he summoned it, but he wasn't strong enough, Bakoya broke free from his chain and then a terible scream from Sahria...

Raschu opened his eyes, he was breathing heavily and sweat dripped from his head.

'I just wasn't strong enough, just not strong enough...'

Raschu closed his eyes again and and tried to go back to sleep...


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The Yourney Empty Re: The Yourney

Post by Sponsored content

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