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The Quick Journal of Animated

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The Quick Journal of Animated Empty The Quick Journal of Animated

Post by Yumi Sat Jun 21, 2008 6:50 pm

So everyone can keep up after I had another posting spree =P

Honoka meets Rahzel. There was some tension but they got rid of that soon enough. Just when they were about to eat ice cream, the guide appeared and sent them to Konoha, the Naruto world. They both changed outfits so they wouldn't attract too much attention, but their plan failed.
Honoka tried to get them out of their sticky situation, but fails because a Zakenna, a creature from the dark zone, appears and Honoka has to defeat it. How the Zakenna got there will be explained in the story shortly (no worries).
Honoka, now Cure White, tells Rahzel that they better start running for their lives.
What will happen next to our heroes? You'll soon find out!

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 33
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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The Quick Journal of Animated Empty Re: The Quick Journal of Animated

Post by Yumi Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:03 pm

So they didn't need to run for their lives, but they were brought to the Hokage, the leader (I suppose) of the village. However, there's a new character on the move. Is she good or evil? You will find out soon!

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 33
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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