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Upendi -- the game

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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:59 pm

Hikki snapped out of the trance, but the device didn't stop strangling Liz. "What is the problem?" Hikki asked. She was totally indifferent even though she was strangling someone.

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Guest Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:03 pm

'You are killing her! Tical replied.

He tried to help liz get her rid of the device.

'Help me!' she cryed "I'm sorry, I'm sorry...!"

at that moment Soll and remmington returned.


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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:14 pm

"I don't see how that is a problem," Hikki replied simply.

"Oh no," Remington said as he saw what was happening. "Hikki! Anroku!" He quickly said. Hikki seemed to be fighting against it so Remington had to be quick. "Release the girl!" The cables returned into the device and Liz fell to the ground panting heavily.

Hikki suddenly grabbed Remington's throat and smashed him into a wall. "Why did you make me do that?!" she yelled at him.

"Because you can not kill humans!" Remington told her sternly and Hikki let him go.

"I don't care," Hikki said.

"Don't bother to try again, you know I will do it again too," Remington said.

Hikki didn't say a word and walked over the the battle droid.

"S-she's a droid too?" Liz asked, fear clearly in her eyes.

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Guest Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:21 pm

Tical looked at Remmington with a look that said 'This can't go on like this.'

'Remmington, we'll take Liz back to the baracks if you excuse us.'

Soll and Liz already walked forward.

Tical stayed a few secs.

'I suggest you stay with her and pl... Please don't 'kill' her.'

Then Tical walked away, folowing the rest.


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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:45 pm

Remington sighed and walked over to the battle droid and Hikki. "Hikki..." he said.

Hikki didn't reply.

"Hikki, we have to talk," Remington said.

"Then talk," Hikki said.

"This has gone much too far," Remington said. "With any normal droid we'd have destroyed them long ago. I'm actually thinking of doing the same to you.."

"You wouldn't..." Hikki said simply. "You'd be dead before you could."

"I know but Hikki," Remington said. "I just don't know what to do anymore. You're making things impossible. I mean, blowing up the main computer? That's just madness. I know you were made for Main Computer Surveillance, but that's not a way to --"

Hikki just stared blankly at him. "And you think I don't know that?" There was a brief silence. "Remington... do you believe droids can cry?"

"I know droids can cry," Remington said a little confused.

"This droid is crying," Hikki said. "You can't hear it, but she is. Besides, why did Liz want the droid reprogrammed? This droid knows something about my parents. I just know so. Please don't make me hurt her or you..."

Remington sat down next to Hikki and stroke her hair. "I get it," Remington said. "But no more outbursts."

"I promise," Hikki smiled.

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Guest Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:54 pm

a flash back, Tical saw himself and Hikki fighting against others for the first time, voice overs reapted the words Hikki, Remington and others said about her.

'What could posibly changed that caring girl and made her so cold?' 'Would it really be because of me?' Tical thought.

Liz: 'Hey New guy!'

Soll: 'Pssst, his name is Tical.'

Liz: 'Eham... Tical?'

Tical: Eh, what?

Liz: 'How and why did you make Hikki react like this?'

Tical: What me!?

Liz: 'Yes, you, since when you are here she is reacting on this strange way.'

Tical: 'Are you saying that this is my fault?' 'Is that it!?'

Liz: 'Well, basicly... Yes...'

Soll: 'Hey Liz that is not nice to say to your savior.'

Liz: 'If he wouldn't be here, I wouldn't be needed to be saved!'

She is right, all this trouble started when I arived...

Tical: I... I should...

And Tical ran away from the military base not looking where he was going, he just ran...

Soll: 'Now look what you have done!'

Liz gave him an innocent 'What did I do' look.

Last edited by Raschu on Fri Jun 06, 2008 6:07 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Fri Jun 06, 2008 6:00 pm

...and then Tical smashed into the battle droid from before.

"Where are you going?" the droid asked.

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by hino Fri Jun 06, 2008 7:36 pm

So much fun so much fun. I slowely followed them around the entire time. So easy when you can be a shadow. We needed a bit more info before we attacked again. First of all we needed to get rid of all the normal humans. And after we did that maybe Hikki actually would like to join us. I mean if we take over this world we absolutly would have no problem with droids. A sleeping powder probably would do the trick.

Number of posts : 668
Location : where my heart is
Registration date : 2008-05-14

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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Guest Sat Jun 07, 2008 9:26 am

'I'm going wherever I want' Tical replied.

'I'm obvious not needed around here...'


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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:22 am

"Why are humans always so troublesome?" the droid asked annoyed. "They always think the whole world revolves around them and their problems and, in stead of facing them, they run away like cowards. Unlike my master. Hikki is the best master anyone can have." The droid sighed. "Too bad she can't pick the right people to be around. People like you." The droid shrugged and walked of, not wanting to stay in the presence of a coward.

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Guest Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:47 am

Tical thought a seccond.


'Hey wait!' 'Why did you come here, did ... did Hikki send you?'


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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Sat Jun 07, 2008 1:11 pm

"Not at all," the droid said. "I'm here because I want to be here. Hikki told me it was okay to do whatever I want, so that is what I'll be doing." The droid started walking again.

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Guest Sat Jun 07, 2008 3:24 pm

'Yeh... Thought so...' Now did Tical caught himself in being disapointed?

No it shouldn't be, he should just forget Hikki, she is no human after all, but... Is he self condsidered to be human than?

Where was he anyway, why did he run to here, this strange forest. He should turn back and go to his cotage.

No wait, then he had to pass the army base again and that was something he didn't wanted.

'I'll walk here till it's night again and then I'll fly home.' Tical thought.


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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Sun Jun 08, 2008 2:48 pm

"Hello there," Hikki smiled as the battle droid returned. "Did you get what you wanted?"

The droid nodded and showed the berries to Hikki. "I really like these berries," she said, smiling slightly. "But why do humans always run away?"

"Humans run away?" Hikki echoed. "What do you mean?"

"I saw that guy from before. He was running away," the droid said simply.

"I do not know why humans run away," Hikki said, "it's beyond me. Besides, I don't really care whether people run away or not. It's their own problem. Would you please take care of guarding this place. I need to recharge, badly. Especially because I have night shift." Hikki sighed at the thought. Even droids get tired sometimes.

"I will," the droid smiled and Hikki smiled briefly before going to "sleep".

Meanwhile Shiroi was almost choking Eita to death. "Kyaaa!" Shiroi smiled. "You're so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!" She wasn't exactly talking to Eita, but to a little kitten right in front of them. She released Eita and started petting the kitten. "Eita-chaaaaaaan? Can I keep it for today?"

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Chikako Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:55 pm

"Sure^^" Eita said with a smile. Eita liked most animals so why not. "Say Shiroi. I'm going to check on Tokiko and get rid of some annoying bastards."

Number of posts : 843
Age : 32
Location : Well what should i say i chould say pluto but that would be a lie
Registration date : 2008-01-05


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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Sun Jun 08, 2008 6:22 pm

"Okay!" Shiroi smiled. "But please don't hurt Hikki... The droid I fought with..."

Number of posts : 1124
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Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Chikako Sun Jun 08, 2008 6:23 pm

"i won't don't worry. at least if she attacks me I'll fight back but I won't damage her seriously k?" Not that I actually could. but it's the thought that counts

Number of posts : 843
Age : 32
Location : Well what should i say i chould say pluto but that would be a lie
Registration date : 2008-01-05


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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Sun Jun 08, 2008 6:26 pm

"Thank you so much, Eita-chan!" Shiroi smiled brightly as she picked up the kitten. She took its paw and pretended that it waved at Eita. "Take care!"

Number of posts : 1124
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Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Chikako Sun Jun 08, 2008 6:43 pm

"I will." I said before I walked to the base. When i was coming closer I knew there was something going on and I knew i was going to like it^^

Number of posts : 843
Age : 32
Location : Well what should i say i chould say pluto but that would be a lie
Registration date : 2008-01-05


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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Guest Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:50 am

It got darker, soon it was dark enough for Tical to spread his wings and fly home.

Somehow he felt like leaving someone behind.

*stomach is hungry sound*

'Great. now I'm alone and hungry...'


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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:03 pm

Meanwhile, Hikki was keeping guard. Or at least trying to. She was distracted by every little movement in her neighbourhood and she vaguely wondered why. She was probably just highly bored. She didn't want to keep guard at all.

She jumped of the roof she was sitting on, planted some sensor around the building and went to the city.

Shiroi was bored so she wandered the streets of the city together with her new kitten in her arms. She really didn't know what to do and hoped that Eita and Tokiko would hurry up and come back.

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Chikako Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:12 pm

I saw the annoying bastard that attacked my fly above teh village. He was going down. I trew about 10 energy balls at him. no dodging this bastard.

Number of posts : 843
Age : 32
Location : Well what should i say i chould say pluto but that would be a lie
Registration date : 2008-01-05


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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Guest Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:44 pm

The balls of strangeling energy hit Tical, his wings burned he began to twirl faster and faster the the ground.

he hit the ground, he felt as if everyone bone in his had broken, though this wasn't true probaly since vampires can take allot of damage.

'Arg... What the hell?'

He looked up, wait a seccond, that's that was that badguy girl.



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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:46 pm

Hikki saw the energy balls fly up and she sped to the scene, but she kept in the shadows. Her black clothes making sure she wasn't standing out too much. She saw someone who had attacked the base before. A friend of Shiroi. She searched the area for Shiroi quickly.

When I saw the energy balls I smiled and sped to the scene. Hopping and twirling all the way. The kitten seemed to enjoy it too, so I smiled even more. I stepped from the shadows and looked at Eita. A big grin spread across my face. I hugged the kitten brightly and watched the show.

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Chikako Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:51 pm

I smiled as the guy fell down. My hand turned into a huge claw. "You'l die dude. You're annoying. shall I tell you what happened to the last guy who tried to beat me? Let's say he never could tell anyone he tried."
I smiled sweetly as I moved my hand t scratch his heart out.

Number of posts : 843
Age : 32
Location : Well what should i say i chould say pluto but that would be a lie
Registration date : 2008-01-05


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Upendi -- the game - Page 9 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

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