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Upendi -- the game

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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Mon May 19, 2008 8:02 pm

"OF COURSE NOT!" Sayuri, still in sparkle mode, said. "THAT'S THE POWER OF LOOOOOOOOOVE!"

"Love, shmove," Hikki said, "since when did you become a love freak?"

"TWO SECONDS AGOOOOOOOOO," Sayuri said in a sing-song voice.

Hikki turned back to Tical. "Don't mind her, she's gone crazy," for once it wasn't in her emotionless voice. "It's not because of the "power of love" but because there are only a few who are actually human here. How can they judge other species if they're not human either," Hikki stated. "I'm sure you'll make some friends here."

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Guest Mon May 19, 2008 8:05 pm

Tical looked at the sparkle mode Sayuri.

'Perhaps I shouldn't have bitten here...'

Tical turned to Hikki.

'Mind if I folow you around to learn some more about this place?'


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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Mon May 19, 2008 8:08 pm

"Not at all," Hikki said. "See you later, Sayuri."

"BAI BAI," Sayuri waved energeticly and Hikki quickly walked out of the room.

She showed Tical around and stopped at the last door. "This the secret lab," she told him. "Only those who have made the vow may enter. So I guess this concludes the tour."

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Guest Mon May 19, 2008 8:10 pm

'Ok, secret huh, what are they making/doing there, if I may ask?'

Lab lab, wasn't this a training center? Tical thought.


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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Mon May 19, 2008 8:18 pm

"ヒミツだよ," Hikki said before she had actually noticed she had said that.

"That means it's a secret," a male voice sounded before Tical could ask anything. "Before you can know that, you have to make the vow."

"Remington," Hikki smiled. "If he really wanted to know, he could make the vow now right?"

"Well, yes," Remington, a guy with light blonde hair and green eyes, said. "I am, after all, the one who grants people acces."

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Guest Mon May 19, 2008 8:47 pm

Tical made a bow for Remington.

'I was just curious, I'm sorry, I don't want to be any trouble...'


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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Mon May 19, 2008 9:55 pm

"Ah, you are no trouble at all," Remington smiled warmly. "Well, would you like to go inside? You seem like right chap to me."

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Guest Mon May 19, 2008 9:59 pm

'I gues so, ehm I mean Yes Sir!'

'So what do I need to do?'


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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Mon May 19, 2008 10:04 pm

"Nothing much," Remington said. "Just stand still."

Remington put his index fingers and middle fingers on his temples and repeated the spell through his head. The spell would automatically select people whether they would be allowed to enter or not. It wasn't really Remington's call, he was just the only one who knew the spell.

The spell worked perfectly though and Remington let go. "There, that was all," he smiled. "Just put your hand on the tablet next to the door and you'll see whether you can get in or not."

"I'll be going on ahead," Hikki said and lay her hand on the tablet. The door opened into a hallway that led through another door. As soon as Hikki had passed, the door closed behind her.

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Guest Mon May 19, 2008 10:08 pm

Tical a bit uncomforble, put his hand on the tablet.

The door opened and he walked into the hallway where hikki was waiting for him to continiu the tour.


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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Mon May 19, 2008 10:19 pm

When Hikki had passed the door, Yoshino Tokiko could no longer stay as her shadow (if she still was that is). It was such a powerful defence, no one who had not been cleared by the spell could pass.

Hikki, who hadn't really been aware of her abnormal shadow, walked to the next door and lay her hand on the tablet. The door opened and they could both pass through.

Inside was a lab full with technology and sceletons for new robots and what not.

"Professor Sousui," a lab assistent said, "it's been a while."

"Sorry, I was kinda busy," Hikki apologized and then turned to Tical. "This is what is made in the secret lab, droids."

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Guest Mon May 19, 2008 10:23 pm


This could confirm his thoughts, though, even if it was true, than she probaly didn't knew it herself, or she was good at hiding it.

'So they still make droids that is?'


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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Mon May 19, 2008 10:29 pm

"Exactly," Hikki said. "My parents were the heads of this department, but they died a few years back. Remington has been taking care of me."

"We are trying to create the perfect droid," the lab-assistant said. "A droid that can use magic and martial arts. Up until now no droid can use magic, but we really want to create that perfect robot. They even say Hikki's parents made the perfect robot."

Meanwhile, Hikki was looking at the progress of a droid, a distant look in her eyes.

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Guest Mon May 19, 2008 10:36 pm

Her parrents made the perfect robot, could it be, not that it would matter, but if, wouldn't she age too, like himself?

'I think such an droid shouldn't get in the enamy hands...'


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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Mon May 19, 2008 10:41 pm

"Of course not," Hikki said, "but there is no such thing as the perfect droid. You already asked Father Remington about it, but he said they didn't. You should take his word once in a while."

Right at that moment Remington stepped into the room. "Once in a while?" he echoed. "Thanks a lot for your support, Hikki."

"You're welcome, Remington," Hikki smiled.

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by hino Tue May 20, 2008 1:02 pm

Shit shit shit. I switched a few times between people now. I saw and heard a lot quit interseting things. But well now I couldn't enter that door. well I only had about 20 minutes till I would meet Eita. Well I have some interesting things to tell her. That boy Tical he really could be usefull. If he was right that the girl didn't live. Maybe the rumours where true but Eita knew a lot more about them. she studied a lot more different things and actually reemebered most of the things she learned.

Number of posts : 668
Location : where my heart is
Registration date : 2008-05-14

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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Tue May 20, 2008 6:55 pm

Shiroi looked over the city, a dark look in her eyes. Even though she was only sixteen, she was already a well-respected member of the Soran army, even though her happy-go-lucky attidute wasn't always appreciated.

Shiroi pin-pointed the other two's location and smiled. They were moving towards eachother. Shiroi was to make sure everything went well in this seemingly boring city.

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Guest Wed May 21, 2008 4:48 pm

Hmm stupid question, Tical thiught.

'So what else do they make/try here in the lab?'


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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Wed May 21, 2008 5:03 pm

"Technical ways of communications," Hikki said. "We install them in the droids so they can communicate with other droids and this technical centre." Hikki pointed at a large screen at her right hand side. There was a large keyboard with strange symbols on the keys. "Only three people can use that main computer though, Remington, Bakura and me. We don't make weapons other than the droid, who won't attack without reason. We don't like weapons all that much."

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Guest Wed May 21, 2008 5:05 pm

'I see, so all droids can be reached using this thing?' *points at the screen*.

'Anything more I need to know?'


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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Wed May 21, 2008 5:20 pm

"Not that I know," Hikki shrugged. "Is there anything else you want to know?"

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Guest Wed May 21, 2008 5:22 pm

'Ehm wel, I'm the new guys here, so I gues I leave it too you...'


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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Yumi Wed May 21, 2008 5:25 pm

"Well, I think it's best if you return to class," Hikki told him. "It's almost been an hour. I'll take you back."

Number of posts : 1124
Age : 32
Location : そかな….
Registration date : 2008-01-11

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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Guest Wed May 21, 2008 5:27 pm

'Ok, will do... I hope that that other girl finaly got back to normal...'


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Upendi -- the game - Page 3 Empty Re: Upendi -- the game

Post by Chikako Wed May 21, 2008 9:09 pm

I saw tokiko coming and i walked past her. That was what we did when one of us haad been found out. We just ignored eachotehr completly and pretended we didn't know each other. I knew this something was coming. If tehre was something I learned these past few hours was it that tghis place would never be as boring as it seemed and that the only possible explaination could be her plan to begin with. I dropped a feather this was a symbol for Tokiko to stay away from wherever I went. I walked towards the army base the place she jsut came from.

Number of posts : 843
Age : 32
Location : Well what should i say i chould say pluto but that would be a lie
Registration date : 2008-01-05


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